Warning Message

SKIF-USA and SKI-USF are the only recognized representative bodies of SKIF-Japan in the United States of America and own all rights, title, and interest in and to the SKIF name and the trademarked logos associated with SKIF.

Any use of the SKIF name or these logos without the express permission of these two bodies, or SKIF Japan itself, constitutes trademark infringement, dilution, and misrepresentation in violation of federal and state laws.

As a Federation, each member-country representative has oversight of the hosting of official SKIF seminars, tournaments, and Dan grading taken in a given country.

Please be advised that if anyone has received Dan grading during an unofficial event, i.e., that was not sponsored by either SKIF-USA or SKI-USF, that rank will not be recognized by SKIF-Japan and will be considered invalid.

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