13th SKIF KARATE World Championship 2019
Czech Republic for more Information https://skif2019.com/
SKIF Gasshuku with Sensei Rubén Fung
Dear Sensei, please accept this invitation to attend the first SKIF Gasshuku with Sensei Rubén Fung (5th Dan SKIF and SKIF-USA Board of Directors), hosted by Zendankai Shotokan Karate-Do, in New York City, on November 2-3. This seminar is open to all ranks and associations. Unfortunately, there will be no children training. As long as ...
Seminar Elpida Christodoulou 5th Dan SKIF World Champion
Date: Nov 23, 2019 from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM. Tournament Contact Information: Stephanie Cunha contact@hillsboro-shotokan-karate.com Venue & Location: Quatama Elementary School 6905 NE Campus Way Hillsboro, OR 97124 Tournament Background: Hillsboro Shotokan Karate is organizing an exceptional seminar with a World Champion in both kata and kumite, Elpida Christodoulou, 5th Dan SKIF. She is ...